Our Recent Expeditions and Success

Puget Sound, WA
Our work in Puget Sound sparked The Audubon Society, Seattle Aquarium, Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington State Senators and other state agencies and nonprofit organizations to pass Senate Bill 5104. This bill requires the State of Washington to document the nearshore of Puget Sound with surface-level 360-degree imagery every two years. Now in partnership with Washington State Ecology we are currently underway gathering data and surveying 2,500 miles of the Puget Sound nearshore. Our Puget Sound advocacy efforts included a write-up in the Seattle Times Sunday edition and presentations to over a dozen community and stakeholder groups.
Lake Tahoe, CA/NV
Great Salt Lake, UT
Circumnavigated the Great Salt Lake documenting an ecosystem emergency as the lake dries up. We recorded the record low for the lake and mapped over 200 miles of imagery and water quality data. Our Great Salt Lake advocacy efforts included partnering with the Great Salt Lake Institute, providing them with critical data necessary to understand ecosystem health at high salinities. We met with stakeholders and community members to discuss our work and presented to the Utah DNR Great Salt Lake Technical Committee. Our efforts were covered by the Salt Lake News Tribune, PBS NewsHour, CBS, Inside Edition, and others, exposing millions of people to the crisis at the lake.